It is daybreak, somewhere between the interstate of wise investments and thrifty savings. The air is still but thick with anticipation. Breaking the blissful silence is an approaching 911 Turbo. The driver, thinking he will be able to sit a few moments alone at the starting line, is taken by surprise by the sight of a bulbous silhouette waiting at the point. It was never heard. It never disturbed even the bird in a nearby tree and it has four doors. Surely this can’t be the competitor he was expecting.
This scenario will play out somewhere in real life in the near future. How do I know? Tesla has just announced new iteration of their Model S, the 70D, which is the base model of the company’s lineup.
The entry price jumps from $71,070 to $76,950, but the 70D get a new front motor as standard, which gives the base model 329 horsepower. The increase in power over the previous version means that the Model S 70D will hit 60 mph from rest in just 5.2 seconds, according to Tesla.
If you happen to already have a Model S 85, you can order the additional engine for a meager 5000 dollars, which matches the price bump on the new model. Many of the pricey options on the 60 also come standard on the 70D, making it more of a bargain.
The new Model S lineup now consists of the 70D; the only rear-wheel drive version in the 85; the 85D with two motors, and the powerful P85D. Maybe the term “new model” can be used on a car that can receive random “updates” wirelessly, but the new Model 70D certainly makes the strong case for the Tesla movement.
Source: Tesla Motors
Are you excited for the new, updated Tesla Model S 70D?