This is some Westworld shit right here.
Masshole, “Mahk”, has been going toe-to-toe with Chevrolet in their “Real People” commercials since they first started airing. He’s given the spokesperson nicknamed “Potch” a hard time in his commercials, and pointed out the brands faults and inaccuracies every time.
The latest parody from Zebra Corner stars Mahk and Potch with their usual banter and mocking of the automotive brand. Mahk also goes out of his way to show how the J.D. Power and Associates awards Chevy is bragging about are for models from 2015 – not the models on display.
Things quickly start to go downhill after the show is over. Mahk comes back to get his keys that he had dropped only to find that Potch is actually a robot – not a real person. Mahk’s uncovering of the truth leads to the entire Potch robot army wielding J.D. Power and Associates awards slowly attacking Mahk.
Our hero attempts to use this opportunity to answer some of the questions that have arisen in the HBO show, ‘Westworld’, however these machines aren’t interested in divulging that kind of information about their kind. The “Freeze all motor functions” command doesn’t work on them, either.
So, Mahk does the only thing that Mahk Wahlberg would do in this situation (besides opening a Chevrolet dealership) and pulls out his gun to fight the army of Potch robots.
Source: Zebra Corner
Do you think that Potch from Chevrolet’s ‘Real People. Not Actors.’ Commercials is a real person?