Racing cars in any situation is dangerous. These hunks of metal are packed with power and are traveling at triple-digit speeds. Sometimes all of the safety equipment in the world cannot prevent a fatal injury in these circumstances, which is why Kong Chang, the driver and owner of this 996 Porsche 911 Turbo built by BBI Automotive, is one lucky guy.
The Porsche 911 Turbo is capable of 1,500 horsepower, but was churning out 1,300 horsepower during this run against a Nissan GT-R. During the run, the car lost grip and started to spin at 179.99 mph. Miraculously, Chang was able to prevent the supercar from going into the grass where he believes it would’ve flipped and done some serious damage.
Talk about one hell of a save….
Source: 1320 Video YouTube Channel
Would you need to change your pants after spinning out like this?