Don’t drive like idiots, guys.
We know that as young guys, the temptation to race and do stupid things with your car is pumping through your veins right alongside all of those hormones. But, no matter how you look at it, racing and speeding on public roads in an unsafe manner is downright stupid.
In San Jose, just outside of Leigh High School, one silver BMW crashed into the kitchen of a house, seriously injuring one and trapping a child under a collapsed roof. The incident occurred when two speeding BMWs lost control and resulted in one ended up deep inside of a nearby house.
The 40-year-old woman inside the house suffered life-threatening injuries and all three occupants in the silver BMW were sent to the hospital. Luckily, a child who was also in the home only suffered a small cut from a nail, which is pretty remarkable considering how she was buried in rubble. The driver of the red E36 BMW 3-Series declined medical attention.
Two neighbors, Stephanie Collins and Lou Soliz, both rushed to the house after hearing what sounded like a bomb exploding, and were able to lift the woman out of the window and onto the ground while emergency personnel were en route. Collins was also able to get the little girl out of the rubble and to safety.
Police are still investigating the scene, but believe it was caused by speed, and the account of one Reddit user confirms this;
“after racing out of school parking lot silver one lost control and the red one hit him, sending the silver into the house driving over a little girl and pinning the mother in the kitchen, the red one spun out and hit the pole, he just got it fixed from a previous accident.”
Whether or not the drivers were driving recklessly or not, this story still serves as a reminder that racing and speeding, especially in populated residential areas is NEVER a good idea. FAIL on both of the BMW drivers, big time. We hope that the woman injured in the accident makes a full recovery.
BMW Crash in House Gallery
[Source: Reddit, NBC Bay Area, Mercury News]
What do you think should happen to the two BMW drivers? Leave a comment and let us know!